Salem Design and construction excels in
fine custom-built homes in the Grayson County area of
Denison. After many years in the business working with
large home companies, Steve prides himself on the
individual attention he brings to each home. Steve does
all the design and oversight himself so you will not have
an entry-level building superintendent making important
decisions about your home investment. Steve lives in the
community and will provide attention to detail that few
builders can provide.
We are currently building in Phase 1 of Fairway Estates.
Steve is a licensed professional builder with 30 years
experience in new residential construction.
(about Steve Salem). Each home
in Fairway Estates is custom designed to meet your
individual needs.
Plan Design Process.
After selecting your lot, you
meet with Steve to create a list of goals for your custom
home. Together you will design your unique floor plan.
Steve has many plan ideas to help you create your personal
plan that will become your ideal home. During the Plan
Design Process you will create the floor plan, Outdoor
living features and landscape Shape. Type of flooring,
location and type of cabinets and lighting systems are
designed. You select the type and extent of your
technology package which may include security and
entertainment systems.
Steve includes a basic “Smart Energy Package” with your
homes (energy info). This
energy package will significantly decrease your energy
bills compared with traditional construction.
When Plan Design process is complete Steve will provide a
price for the construction of the home with allowances for
interior selections. These allowances are used during the
Home Interiors Selection Process. From the time of a final
design the construction of your home ranges from 5-6
months. Variables include weather, home owner change
orders, lot issues (?sounds funny) and home owner
selection delays.
Home Interior Selections
When Final Plan Design is complete you begin the home
interior selection process. Steve has recommendations for
suppliers and materials, catalogs for you to choose from
and personal experience with various selections. You are
able to choose as much or as little as you like. The
earlier these selections are made the more expeditious the
building process is.
Closing and Move in
Upon completion of construction Steve will conduct a
formal buyer introduction. This is the time for you and
Steve to review the home in detail, making sure you
understand and are familiar and satisfied with all aspects
of the construction of your home.
Prior to closing you will arrange for utilities, phone,
security, satellite, cable, & waste pick up. We will
provide you a list of available vendors for this.